Monday, December 13, 2010

Killzone 3: Where You Learn About The Secret Lives Of Helghasts...In 3D


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via 1UP RSS feed by Chris Plante on 12/13/10

Killzone 3's managing director Herman Hulst exhales relief and plops into a deep couch. For the past 15-minutes, Hulst and Sony publicists huddled over an unresponsive plastic gun called the Sharp Shooter -- the latest PlayStation Move peripheral. The crack team disassembled, reassembled and calibrated the device. Then did it again. Finally, something clicked -- what, seemed unclear. But the pay-off was worth the wait as patient stander-bys took their turn blasting away Helghasts like tin targets in the world's most elaborate shooting range.

From our couch a few feet from the demo display, Hulst beams with pride at his work.


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