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via TweakTown News Feed by Anthony Garreffa on 11/25/10
You may remember yesterday I posted about the Nexus S, well today there are some more details and some pictures of Android 2.3 running for you to check out.
An anonymous source at XDA developers has used his BlurryCam(tm) to snap some shots of it. This will be the successor to the Nexus One and it's coming very soon. As for specs?
ArmV7 CPU – Could be Dual Core
Open GL ES Supported
512 or 328MB Ram (Not 100% known)
1GB or 2GB Internal Memory (Not 100% known)
800×480 Screen Resolution
4″ Screen Size
SuperAmoled2 – Possibly
720P HD Video
Google is supposedly set to make the Nexus S official before the end of the year - it's very important as Google's previous Nexus One set the standard for Android devices in 2010.
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