Saturday, November 20, 2010

Kinect and PS Move selling very well


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via Ubergizmo on 11/19/10

Kinect and PS Move selling very well

When the Wii came out, we said that competitors would eventually catch up and build their own motion controllers. Little did we know that it would take so long, but that day has finally arrived. GameStop president Tony Bartel has described the debut of Kinect and PS Move as being like "the Wii phenomenon". Xbox 360 benefits the most at the moment as its sales has surpassed the PS3 and the Wii (in the U.S) last month. It's probably because Kinect seems "cooler" than the PS Move, because "you are the controller" as Microsoft would say.

Of course, both systems have their own merit, as PS Move reacts faster and can be used to "aim" at something, while Kinect knows what the whole body is doing. Anyhow, with motion-based controllers, console makers and game developers are tapping into an expanding market of players who don't want to invest time to climb the learning curve of "hardcore games". Do you plan to jump onto the "motion" wagon?

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