Thursday, November 25, 2010

Angry Birds Day! December 11! Something big planned for London


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via TweakTown News Feed by Anthony Garreffa on 11/25/10

Ah Angry Birds. It now has it's own day. Some sources of TechCrunch have been flung into their offices and said that there's going to be something big happening, specifically in London's Trafalgar Square. Which has supposedly become a big venue to launch big games - especially console games.

Angry Birds Day! December 11! Something big planned for London

There's speculation Angry Birds will get a Windows Phone 7 announcement on the day, there's also speculation that Rovio Mobile will launch a console version or that it will spin out into a movie.

But, there's something else boiling about this... Rovio Mobile has just bought on Peter Vesterbacka as head of business development for North Americ

Peter was the founder of HP Bazaar - HP's skunk works attempt at dominating mobile. He's also the co-founder of Mobile Monday, Mobile 2.0 and several other web and mobility related business ventures. Peter is a believer in open source platforms and believes that games consoles will be disrupted by the Internet and open source.

From here, TechCrunch are saying that all game developers really want is to get their platform out there - also with the rise of sales in virtual goods and in-app payments, who would need console platforms anymore?

A movie, Windows Phone 7 or console version could still come out - but it still remains that something bigger could happen... I'm excited just to get another release with more levels, or the sequel itself!

Now, I just need a way to get to London on the 11th of December...


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