Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Angry Birds coming to all three major consoles in 2011


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via TweakTown News Feed by Don Lynn on 11/24/10

Angry Birds has been a mobile phenomenon for quite a while now, and now it looks like the pig-destroying avians are spreading their wings and slingshotting their way onto the Wii, PS3, and Xbox 360 in 2011 according to Rovio.

Angry Birds coming to all three major consoles in 2011

CEO Peter Vesterbacka dropped this information in a BBC interview as well as the fact that the company is also working on Angry Birds 2, which will not be a sequel but an all new game. Vesterbacka did not go into too many specifics, but did state that there will be more pigs in Angry Birds 2 and that "the pigs will be a lot more active than just being slingshotted at by birds." Pigs vs. Birds online multiplayer, anyone?


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